rAndom international

Awesome studio. They combine art science and design. Quoting from their own “about” section:

The Londond-based collective rAndom International was set up in 2002 by Stuart Wood, Flo Ortkrass and Hannes Koch in order to create unique and experiential design projects. One of rAndoms core themes in the past has been the friction between the digital and analogue domain. Searching at and working from the fringes of innovation in science, art and design, they have developed a series of installations and technologies that re-interpret the ‘cold’ nature of the digital and emphasise the analogue, often hands-on experience of the viewer.

Check out their web

random international

Watch the interview

Check out their works section. Inspiring…

david byrne’s “playing the building”

Lately, I was looking for some good examples of sound installations. I think this is a really good one and it is obvious that there is a serious collaboration between the artist  and the engineers. (check the production section in the page)

Here is the link.

playing the building

There are few videos and images along with a nice interview.

Inspirations: Edward Tufte

I think we, the instructors and assistants of CS450, should post material which we find to be inspirational on this blog. This way we will also be able to start accumulating a repository of information, which will be valuable quite in and of itself, I think. This could be a standalone application, an artwork, a webpage or anything else that takes your fancy, that you find to be relevant to the field of art and technology. Something you would like to share with our students in short…

So, I will get the ball rolling right here and now:

I find Edward Tufte, the renowned author of the book Envisioning Information, who seems to be a true hybrid personality between the arts and the sciences, truly inspirational. So, check out his sculptures:


Airspaces (Original location of photo and related explanatory text by Tufte is here)


Larkin’s Twig (Original location of photo and related explanatory text by Tufte is here)


Negative Space Studies (Original location of the photo and explanatory text by Tufte is here)

Beyond showing us his work and giving us information on his research activities Tufte has a wonderful page of discussions related to art and science, where you can find a wealth of information and resources, links etc related to our work.

Flickr group for CS450

Photos put into a pool do not get deleted even after the 200 limit of a free flickr account has been passed. So, I have created a group for us in order to keep all photos which you upload to flickr safe.

This is by invitation only. Please everyone, get your flickr accounts sorted out, and send me the url of your flickr homepage right away. Instructors and assistants will be admins of course, so it is especially important that you guys do it before everyone else. Murat already has a flickr, so I have invited him last night. If Selim, Lanfranco and Emrah can also do so today this will be great…

Which does not mean that students wait to do so until the instructors are done!!! Everyone does it by the weekend!
grrrrrrrrrrrr ;-)

until 27.02.09


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