Mercedes-Benz Transparent Walls

To demonstrate the principle of the Mercedes-Benz PRE-SAFE® precrash system we simply made walls look like they were transparent. For the first time ever people could really see through the walls.


by Andreas Wolter, Jens Weber.

As the year marking the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Bauhaus, 2009 is an appropriate year for an exhibition dedicated to the examination of the social networks of the Bauhaus movement. In preparation for this project, biographical details of all of the members of the Bauhaus will be systematically structured and entered into an online database. The impressive volume of information resulting from this effort will then be presented within an illuminated 4x4meter cube at the Bauhaus University in Weimar.

The exhibition then becomes an immersive yet highly-structured digital archive rich with historical details. Complex interrelationships will be made more accessible through the implementation of an innovative graphical interface. All visualizations of the complex network are drawn directly from the research database and presented in an intuitive computer-generated form. At an interactive digital tabletop, spectators can furthermore examine individual parts of the greater network in more detail.

Berkeley Bionics


We augment humans with wearable, artifi­cially intelligent bionic devices called exoskeletons. In 2008, Berkeley Bionics introduced HULC™, an unteth­ered exoskeleton which allows people to carry up to 200 lbs. for hours. On Oct. 7, 2010, we unveiled eLEGS, an exoskeleton for wheel­chair users who are committed to living life to its fullest. It powers you up to get you standing and walking.

Bálint Bolygó’s Trace

well, who needs a computer if it’s mechanical.. of course, i don’t know how balint made the calculations to build this machine (computer, on paper, ?)  but it’s an amazing idea. i didn’t think of posting this because of its non-computational nature but anyway, here it is.

needless to say. cool. check out balint’s portfolio too!

quoted from balint’s page:

Trace is a sculptural device that alludes to scientific discoveries and pseudoscientific concepts such as phrenology, physiognomy, and craniometry. A revolving plaster cast of the artist’s head is slowly deconstructed into a mathematical diagram that changes as time passes. The peculiarities of the human face that as humans, we attach so much importance to, is dematerialised into a changing drawing that embodies the differential undulations of the human anatomy. ‘Trace’ questions our notion of self and how through technology we have found different visual representations for the individual. DNA profiling, retina scans and the fingerprint are all things that are conjured up by the meticulous mechanical process of the work. The topographical images are turned into a new form of three-dimensional representation that draws our attention to the ‘space within’.

LilyPad Embroidery

The flower head at the center is called a LilyPad Arduino. It is a microcontroller board designed for wearables and e-textiles that can be sewn to fabric and similarly mounted power supplies, sensors and actuators with conductive thread. Working with the LilyPad Arduino Rebecca Stern composed this circuit to see what she could do. The embroidery uses traditional floss and techniques mixed with lights and sounds generated by the onboard software. The amount of light sensed by the sensor changes the speed and pitch of the lights and sounds generated, with more light increasing the overall pace.

Check out the rest of Becky Stern’s projects here. Well worth a look.

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